Submit Guest Post

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Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post to this site. Let me help you with that.



1. I expect the content to be of very high quality – there is no compromise on this. The word length should be around 1000 words. It can be any longer than that, if required. But it is not just about word count. The content should be in-depth, non-generic and unique.

2. Spun or rehashed content won’t be encouraged at any cost. Duplicate content also adds to this list.

3. Adding images, screenshots or anything illustrative is highly appreciated.

4. I reserve the right to make minor editing to the post. If any major editing is required I will contact you.

5. I require a small author by-line (2-3 lines, not more) containing one link to your own blog (not others’ websites, promotional websites, commercial websites or websites that pay you to guest post on their behalf). You may add a second link to your any of your social profiles.

6. Linking to your own content inside the blog post is OK unless it is not done for the sake of forcing a link.

7. Format your blog post properly – add sub-headings, bullet points etc. clearly.

8. Fill out your guest post pitch using the form below. If the pitch sounds promising I will get back to you! You shall then write your guest post.

9. You will be required to share the post (once it is published) in your social circle, and respond to comments coming in.

11. Following are the categories in this blog. So feel free to write anything that fits in any of the following topics (anything outside will not be encouraged).

  • Business
  • Finance
  • Blogging tips
  • Content Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Love and Relationships (Strictly no adult, sex, sexuality or related content)
  • Personal Development
  • Home Improvement
  • Photography
  • Food
  • Holiday
  • E-Commerce

12. There will be an editorial fee for publishing your piece of content. This depends on quite some factors; more on this in email after your pitch/submission.

That’s it! Go ahead and submit your pitch by sending an email to jane[at]dosplash[dot]com