Frequently Asked Questions

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In this page I answer some of the most commonly asked questions. Read through them if you got any queries about the site and its usage.

Quick glance...

How to submit a post?

Use the Submit menu item on the top menu.

Submit post

Once you enter your post url, our system will fetch available images from the page – this will take a couple of seconds. Once the images are loaded, select the appropriate image from the loaded images, choose a category for the post and then click submit.

Why do I get “Incorrect Key” error when I try to submit a post?

Refer to “How to submit a post?” question. Selecting an appropriate image is mandatory (this is also our step to prevent spam and automated submissions by bots). If you attempt to submit a post too soon, immediately after inputting the url and failing to select an image, you will get the “Incorrect Key” error.

What happens to my post after I submit it?

As soon as you submit a post, it appears in the New stream if your account has not been marked as spam earlier. If your account has been marked spam or if you have made any spam submissions earlier, your submission will await moderation from the site admin/moderator. Once approved by the moderator or site admin, your post will appear in the New stream.

What is the criteria for a post to get published?

Getting published totally depends on the number of votes – in other words, the community decides the posts that are published. When a post gets a minimum of 7 votes, it appears in the Published stream.

How to edit my profile information?

Once you are logged in, put your mouse over your username on the top right of the menu (see image below) – and choose Settings.

Edit profile information

You will now be directed to your profile editing page. Don’t forget to save once you’re done!

How can I get my post to appear in the featured slider?

Featured posts are handpicked by me. I mostly pick them from the published posts, since published posts are voted up by the community – I honor the decision of the community.

However, just because a post is published doesn’t guarantee that it will be featured. Some of the factors I consider while picking featured posts are the following:

  • Votes by the community
  • The quality and usefulness of the post
  • Presence of an eye-catching image
  • The engagement level of the author/submitter in the DoSplash community

Can I automate the submission process?

Yes we totally understand that you might be busy. Check out our pro plans to automate submission process and avail more benefits.

Why do I get the message “URL is invalid or blocked”?

In order to keep spam right off the bat while we manually moderate all submitted urls, we also do find repeated spam from specific domains. If this is the case, instead of marking each submission as spam, we blacklist that domain so that no further submissions from that domain can be made.

If a particular domain is blacklisted you will get this error: URL is invalid or blocked

In general we do not accept submissions from auto blogs, sites with thin content, sites with only promotional content, porn sites, and sites with offensive or disturbing content. But this list is not complete.

However if you think your domain/url has been banned by mistake, you can contact us and let us know about it.

I don’t find my post! (or) Where has my submission gone?

We do manually review all submissions and discard certain kind of submissions. If you successfully submitted your story without any issues, but then if it is gone, most probably it was discarded by us.

We discard stories if they fall into any or all of the following types:

(i) Review posts with affiliate links

(ii) Posts that promote sales/contests/discount coupons and the like

(iii) Low quality posts that do not discuss the topic in depth

(iv) Content from other content syndication sites, feed aggregators and the like

(v) “Ultimate guides” and “101” posts that don’t do justice to the title!

and so on. This list is not exhaustive.

I still have questions!

No problem! Just contact us and let us know. We will be happy to assist you.