Free up your time and focus on what matters most: Content Generation
Give Your Blog The Visibility It Deserves
How Our Content Syndication Pro Program Will Help You
With our Pro Plans, you will be able to get some extra time in your pockets. As a blogger or website owner, you need to spend a lot of your time on content generation. Once you do, there is no point in having content out there, if you cannot share it.
DoSplash makes that easier, we take up a major chunk of your work and streamline the sharing and optimization process.
All you need to do select the plan you want and connect your url to DoSplash.
Bring Blog Traffic To Your Website And Enjoy Special Features
- Boost blog traffic
- Build your community
- Grow your network
- Build Backlinks
- Increase sales
- Popularize your brand
Platforms We Share Your Content On
Viral Content Bee
Google +
Okay, that sounds good, but will this really work for you?
Here’s how you can apply this to your site in just 3 steps
Step 1: Register at DoSplash
We have made this extremely easy for you! Just visit this link, and fill out the details.
We will manually review your request and create an account for you.
Step 2: Choose your pro plan and purchase one
You will find the details and pricing of the plans we offer (look towards the end of this page). Choose the plan that best suits you and make the payment.
Once that is done, fill out the details needed for setting up your pro account (feeds, categories and the like) by using the form at the end of this page.Again, we review stuff manually so you might have to wait for a while (up to 24 hours on weekdays).
Step 3 (optional): Don’t forget that this is a community
I give you the privilege to automatically syndicate your content to DoSplash.
But to reap even more networking benefits, you might want to visit the community once in a while and interact by voting for others’ stories or leaving comments (though this is purely optional).
What others are saying
Erik –
I suggest you to join right today, you can start interacting and building connections since the beginning.This will give you extra bonus when the site will grow in future (I am sure it will) and indeed, a boost of traffic to the posts URL you are going to submit.
Adithya –
This blogging community is growing quickly. Submit your blog posts to the community, get your content likes, promoted and draw more engagement on your site. It lets the bloggers interact with other bloggers.
Kevin –
Fast-growing and free to use, DoSplash is a blogging community where you can get upvotes upon submitting your content. The most upvotes your blog post gets, the more natural exposure they receive. With DoSplash, it’s easy to get more engagement for your blog.
Vinayak SP –
I feel good that am getting new like-minded friends and little traffic with it.I suggest all the bloggers to take part in this proficient community by sharing worthy blog posts, give your vote & comment for other posts and drive targeted traffic to your blog.
Nirmala Santhakumar –
Dosplash is a new blogging community which is growing quickly. This community lets you interact with bloggers, comment, Up-vote posts and drive traffic to your blog.
Pricing Table
- Personal blog
- Company blog
- checkManual Submission
- checkPosts reviewed by our team for publishing
- checkBuild Authority
- No Featured User Listing
- checkAuto Syndication (1 feed)
- checkSocial Media Sharing
- checkBuild Authority
- Auto Syndication (2 feeds)
- Social Media Sharing
- Build Authority
- Featured user listing **
- checkAuto Syndication (5 feeds)
- checkSocial Media Sharing *
- checkBuild Authority
- checkFeatured User Listing **
* Social Media Sharing – Includes Viral Content Bee. Max points 100 for Platinum Plan and 200 for Corporate Plan. VCB promotion is not included in the other plans.
** Featured User Listing – You will be listed as a featured user on top of the website in the widget with direct link to your website. Two weeks for Corporate Plan, one week for Platinum Plan and Three days for Gold Plan.
- checkPost Syndication (1 feed)
- checkSocial Media Sharing *
- checkSocial Media Automation
- checkBuild Authority
- checkFeatured User Listing **
If you have an Indian Paypal account, you won’t be able to make a purchase using the above links. Please contact us.
Please note that Pro plans are activated manually. So you won’t see a difference in your account once your make a purchase and login. Please allow up to 24 hours for activation on weekdays and up to 48 hours on weekends and holidays.
Please fill out the details needed for setting up your pro account using the form below:
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