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About the author

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Jane Sheeba and Banking Minutes.

4 Hacks for Enhancing Your Website’s Experience While Saving Time

By Jane Sheeba

Delivering the best user experience is always a primary objective when running a website. The growth of your site depends on the growth of traffic, and you can only grow traffic by delivering an exceptional user experience. The same is true with conversions Of course, user experience is not always an on-site thing. You also […]

Building a business out of your passion

By Jane Sheeba

Are you bored of your 9-5 schedule? Do you feel that you have been slogging at work for far too long without any satisfaction? Well, you are not the only one in this situation. In fact, it has been quite evident that a vast majority of people are unsatisfied with what they are doing and […]

Brand Success and NYC SEO – What’s The Connection?

By Jane Sheeba

How long has SEO been around? Has it been ten, twelve years maybe? I can’t put my hand on the exact number but I do know that SEO has been around for more or less a decade. It has been helping and encouraging businesses to seek more opportunities in the online world and expand their […]

Understanding SEO Reporting

By Jane Sheeba

You have a beautiful website. Your boss is impressed and shows all your clients whenever he has a chance. But does that actually translate into hits or sales? Are people outside of your office finding your website, more importantly, are they clicking through and looking around? Have you looked at your website objectively, in the […]

Why Aren’t People Signing Up For Your Email List?

By Jane Sheeba

Your email listing is one of the most valuable assets to your business.  However, most businesses have the same question – We put so much effort and energy into our mailing list, but we’re tired of not seeing significant subscribers. Some even complain about not receiving even a single subscriber over a long period of […]

How To Choose One Of The Best-Reviewed VPN Providers

By Jane Sheeba

When you are choosing a VPN service, it’s easy to get confused by the multitude of providers on the market. They advertise so many features and benefits, that it’s becoming more and more difficult to decide on a particular one that will meet all your needs. And you should be looking for exactly that, a […]

How to Optimize Videos to Attach to Emails

By Jane Sheeba

Do you want to attach videos to emails so that you can share them with others, or maybe even send them to your email marketing list? Before you go any further you should know that not only will your video need to be optimized, but there are some fairly big challenges that you’ll need to […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Types of Home Insulation

By Jane Sheeba

Upgrading your insulation is the smartest way to lessen money spent on regulating the temperature in your home. You can DIY most of it. Keep reading to know more about various means of insulating the house, R-value, costs, uses, advantages, and disadvantages. Batts and Blankets This is one of the widely recognized types of regulating […]

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