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Benefits of GetResponse Email Autoresponder

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Marketing in the age of the internet has been a game-changer.

From annoying pop-ups and poorly designed web banners through to beautiful landing pages that inspire sign-ups, there has been great advances and changes to how we look at marketing.

The Problem With Email Marketing

Email marketing as always been the problem child, with multiple programs, each rendering email differently.

To compound the problem, each program also renders messages differently on different platforms.

Meaning a message delivered to Gmail for an OS desktop bears little resemblance to a message delivered to Outlook for Android.

Then we can add in the people that want their emails in text format rather than your beautifully designed HTML.

It is at about this point that you will start to read the Getresponse Reviews to come up with an easier and more efficient way to create and manage email marketing.

What Is Automated Email Marketing?

As internet technology develops, we have received many benefits and a great deal of spam.

However, autoresponders and integrated marketing is definitely on the side of beneficial.

In the old days, you may have gathered email addresses from potential clients and customers at trade shows or through purchases.

Development of a CRM has been an essential part of sales and marketing strategies, but the downside is not only having to manually enter in all the details but in having to update subscription removal requests.

A good marketing system will automate gathering contact information, updating subscription information and sending out welcome notes.

An excellent marketing system will track analytics associated with any communication campaign you run, allow to create integrated, and individualised, landing pages as well as run A/B testing to ensure
you are getting the best open rate.

Automated Email Marketing

What Is An Autoresponder?

While there is a lot in common with a standard online marketing, autoresponders take your marketing to a whole new level.

Different options like Getresponse can be integrated into your online shopping system. Ecommerce systems like Spotify and Magneto are great, however, adding an autoresponder tie-in can improve your sales.

Autoresponders can be set up to send an email to registered customers reminding them they have an abandoned cart – you could even include a discount or value-add offer.

You could also create a campaign specifically for clients that have purchased a specific item or group of products.

Making it incredibly easy for customers to engage with your business is obviously going to see an improved ROI.

Drip Campaign Marketing

You may not have heard of the term, but you will understand what it is.

Drip marketing is simply a way of making sure that your customers, or potential customers, keep you in mind.

In a pre-internet age this might have included things like sending a branded calendar at Christmas time, post-internet things are a lot more exciting.

As mentioned earlier, you can automate your eCommerce system to send out a follow-up note if a shopping cart is abandoned – and this is one of the most common tips of drip campaign that autoresponders automate.

Sophisticated systems like Getresponse can create autoresponders that automate a range of different messages in response to certain criteria.

This can be based on interactions via your website, on data entered into an online form, even based on who has opened your last emails and if they clicked on anything.

You will have seen how Facebook advertising will tend to show you comparable products based on your viewing history.

You could use this idea to send a specific message to a customer who viewed a new product on your website telling them about why it’s awesome.

Or send a message saying that a service a client has viewed is taking last orders this week.

There are either options like being able to send a birthday communication with an exclusive offer, send follow up survey requests, say thank you for a purchase, and it is all automated to happen after specific actions occur or after a certain time frame.

Drip Campaign Marketing

Analytics Are Important

When you send an email out using something like an Outlook mail merge (like here) it is very hard to get any data about how people have interacted with your campaign.

Using a dedicated marketing solution, you can get a variety of analytical data which lets you know which clients have been reached and allows you the change to tweak your next campaign to reach more people.

Analytics will include information like who has opened the email, how many times they have opened it, what time they opened it, and what they used to open it.

If you delve into your settings further a good autoresponder will also be able to let you know where people clicked as well.

One of the ways that analytics can be used is to look at the timeframes for email opening.

This includes being able to alter which day or time an email is sent so that it is received at a specific time for every time zone.

Fewer Formatting Anomalies

When you are using an autoresponder you will generally see an increase in sales, however, one of the reasons is because your emails can actually be read.

Templates designed using proper software are sent out with formatting designed to be visually appealing across the majority of email platforms.

Having an email that is both professional and attractive increases the effectiveness of your campaign.

Sending emails out as a BCC, or worse yet, sending a message with everyone’s name visible, is almost always marked as spam.

Whereas if campaign software was regularly caught in spam filters no one would use it, and certainly wouldn’t pay for premium services.

Social Media And Email Tie-Ins

You shouldn’t be thinking of electronic mail as something that is separate from your social media.

To create comprehensive reach your campaigns should all be complementary and targeted.

However, you also want to ensure that you are gathering all the data you can, and recording who has received what information in order to be able to improve on your reach for the next campaign.

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About the author

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Jane Sheeba and Banking Minutes.

Donna Merrill - March 1, 2020

Hey Jane,

Here after a long time and like always loved your post. I do missed reading your posts as I was busy with one of my new projects, but will be regular from now on.

Keep up the good work.

~ Donna

Sneha - June 11, 2020

Hey Jane, thanks for the great resource and valuable key points!

Sneha - June 11, 2020

Hey Jane, thanks for the beneficial key points!

OFFICE24BY7 - April 19, 2023

Email marketing is the process of sending promotional emails, newsletters, or other material through email to a group of individuals. It can be a powerful marketing tool with a high ROI, but best practises and ethical standards must be followed to ensure successful and well-received emails.

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