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Top 10 ways to create more revenue from E-commerce sales

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Top 10 ways to create more revenue from E-commerce sales

Improving e-commerce revenues is a never-ending job. Apart from E-commerce heavyweights, new players come into the market every year.

It makes it difficult for every e-commerce business marketer to run a profitable business portal and make handsome revenues every day.

E-commerce marketing may seem difficult to many folks.

But, with the help of smart and consistent marketing tactics, you can easily generate lots of revenues.

So, what are those tips? Let’s study and find out.

Successful Content Marketing Campaigns

Google shows only highly useful websites and web-pages in its SERP.

Mainly it prefers E-commerce websites with up-to-date content.

So, you whenever you generate content to promote your website on the web, make sure that 4 components are fit and fine-

  • Keywords,
  • The originality of content,
  • Freshness and relevance of content and
  • Content-Length.

It has been observed that more than 90% of all website owners copy contents from other websites and use the low-quality materials for website optimization.

Search engines hate low-quality and repetitive content. So, search engines will lower the ranking of your website if you use the lousy content.

It is easier to perform content marketing despite some challenges. Your efforts will pay off with a good ranking of your website on all search engines.

Just use the Google Keyword Planner to find the right keywords with low competition and relatively high search results in the geographic region for which your website is made.

Include relevant terms in your content to help search engines find your E-commerce website or its pages easily.

Image Optimization

Shoppers look at the pictures of products before buying them. So, it becomes essential for E-commerce companies to make images SEO friendly.

You need to add ALT attributes to images before uploading them to your website. Always keep in mind that All people are visual buyers.

So, they contact Google Images directly to find the products we are interested in before making transactions.

Optimized images with proper ALT attributes appear prominently in Google search engines and you get more business opportunities every day.

Effectively Fight the Syndrome of The Abandoned Basket

When a visitor comes to your E-store, there is 20 to 30% probability that he/she will leave without making any transaction.

Most E-commerce websites struggle with a slow conversion rate of just 3%.

On average, 69% of visitors who add items to their baskets leave the conversion tunnel without buying because of several reasons.

To reduce the Shopping cart abandonment rate, take the following actions:

  • Your E-commerce site is easy to use and safe,
  • It should load fast on devices and customers have the facility of using a shopping basket, automatic calculation, etc.
  • Inform customers about new deals and incomplete transactions and
  • Give some discounts and loyalty benefits to frequent buyers.

E-commerce Re-marketing

Did you ever experience that specific ads never leave your company elsewhere on the Internet once you buy something on the internet?

If yes, then you must know that this is re-marketing.

As a matter of fact, re-marketing is a method of renewing communication with potential customers who once visited the company’s website and trying to sell more products/services to them.

E-commerce website owners frequently use this technique to see useful products to interested customers in great numbers.

Give Discounts and Loyalty Benefits to Customers

Give Discounts and Loyalty Benefits to Customers

Advertising technology allows you to attract new customers. But, it doesn’t guarantee that they will keep buying from you.

In most cases, customers make transactions with you at one time and go away with your competitors from the next time.

So, customer retention is one of the most important tasks of modern business.

Always keep in mind that frequent online buyers look for ways to save some bucks while making online purchases.

Therefore, a convenient and understandable loyalty program for users is one of the key ways to increase the share of repeat purchases and reduce outflow significantly if you provide customers with good service and high-quality products.

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Offer Excellent Customer Service

An excellent customer service is extremely important for E-commerce websites.

While buying products from your website, shoppers may encounter a number of issues.

So, you need to communicate with them actively and offer all the necessary help as soon as possible.

It does not matter how good products you offer to customers at a low-priced tag.

If you don’t help your customers to solve their issues, you will be losing out a lot of business opportunities.

Display a toll-free number or live chat system to handle your customer’s concerns quickly and assist them in all possible manners.

Ensure the Maximum Protection On Your Website

All E-commerce websites are prone to online security challenges.

So, taking care of site security, transactions and customers is very important.

Anyone, who becomes a victim of scammers while making a purchase on your website, will never return to you in the future.

So, take all possible steps to protect your website from hackers and make it safe for use.

Suggestive Selling

Suggestive selling is an effective technique to sell useful items to customers and increase the total amount of the purchased products.

When customers purchase goods from your website, you must suggest the related items they might need.

Sometimes, customers buy from you, sometimes they decline straightforwardly.

Don’t be dejected and keep up the work. You will be able to sell more products to customers.

Focus on Social Selling

Focus on Social Selling

Different social networks are an excellent marketing channel that allows not only to promote your brand on the web but also to increase the sale of goods and services at a low investment.

To sell your products via social networking websites, create social media pages of your website, share the live content, communicate with your fans and followers, and urge them to purchase the much-needed products from your website. Successful social marketing campaigns give you unlimited business opportunities.

A Complete Analysis of Search Data and Analytics

The owners of successful online stores conduct detailed studies before developing a client-oriented SEO strategy to find out what people are looking for on the Internet, carefully study search queries, phrases and keywords.

They perform this action frequently to study the volume of search queries and immediately see which products have the highest and lowest demand in the market.

Knowing this information, they can easily make changes in E-commerce SEO campaigns to gain the desired results.

Always keep in mind that the regular analysis of search phrases allows you to estimate the total share of e-commerce customers on Google, compare the performance of your website with competitors and easily measure the percentage of conversion and market share by category and subcategory.

You can make a real picture of how things stand with the company by combining the data on sales and profit margins in various categories.

E-commerce marketing strategies are built only on the basis of facts and figures and the desired financial results can be achieved by implementing those strategies successfully.

Final Words

Understanding the basics of E-commerce business marketing and E-commerce business marketing is essential for getting the desired success in the E-commerce business.

Just adopt the customer-focused content marketing strategies and don’t get disappointed in all your competitors are ahead of you in the initial years after the launch of the E-commerce website.

Form a team of E-commerce specialists from different streams to implement the above-mentioned strategies and achieve the impossible looking targets easily and effortlessly.

Morris Edwards is an web developer and Marketing expert, employed with Awebstar Technologies Pte Ltd- which is the best Ecommerce Website Design Company in Singapore. He helps in designing web pages for all type of business websites. He is always grinding away on something web design related.  Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus to get his new articles and updates instantly.

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