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How to Save With an Electric Hot Water Tank Heater?

By Guest Blogger

If you live in cold regions such as up north in Canada, where the weather can be freezingly harsh without any compassion, you can surely benefit from additional heating.  While a heating source and water heater is a standard feature in many houses, other different forms of home insulation can also be installed. You can […]

WordPress vs Sitecore: A Quick Comparison

By Guest Blogger

Both Sitecore and WordPress are very popular platforms but each one has its own benefits. Furthermore, it is very important that you are able to distinguish between all of the various types of CMS out there. Since both of these CMS are usually on the shortlist of candidates to choose from, we decided to take […]

9 Untold Reasons Why You Should Update Your Old Articles

By Guest Blogger

Do you ever look back at your old content? As you think, the articles won’t be effective all the time. Above 95 percent of the content drives most of its traffic in its very first two or three days. As days pass on, the performance degrades. In some niches, the content would become old within […]

Startup Funding – A comprehensive guide for Entrepreneurs

By Guest Blogger

I have been often asked about Startup Funding by entrepreneurs. There seems to be a lot of myths surrounding the subject of startup funding. So let me pen down some of my experience of startup funding. Pre-Requisites of Funding Gone are the days where you can get funded based on an idea. In order to […]

Top 10 Tips To Bootstrap Your Business To Success

By Guest Blogger

We get around 2000-3000 ideas an hour. And these ideas are not considered great or will not become true until you work on it. Suppose you have got a billion-dollar idea, what will you do? It may happen that someone will like your idea and you can get an investor and thus you can start […]

Top 10 CMS for Your Business

By Guest Blogger

Most business owners are not tech gurus who can customize the product on the code level. They are looking for a simple solution that will get a professional looking site up and running as quickly as possible. Fortunately, a lot of the CMS on the market today try to go the extra mile to make […]

9 Different Types Of Logos To Use In Any Business

By Guest Blogger

Here is a quick question, What comes to your mind when you see logos of business giants such as Apple, Facebook, Dell, Pepsi, etc? Yes, the first thing that strikes your mind will either be the company to which all these logos belong to or any product of the company that you might have seen […]

Letting Him Go to Make Him Yours – Is It Effective?

By Guest Blogger

Are you having a hard time tying down your man? Well, let me tell you something funny: We all are! Actually, I think it would be more accurate to say that most women are. I often come across articles that talk about the differences between sexes and in most of them, it would be mentioned […]

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